Seeking the naturally curious

The Oxbow School is accepting sophomore, junior, senior, and gap year applications for the Spring 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters and the 2024 Summer Art Institute.

Oxbow welcomes high school and gap year applicants who are motivated, curious, and excited to learn. Apply now for a semester or summer like no other! Oxbow is rolling admissions for the Spring 2024 semester and will continue to accept applications until the program is fully enrolled. Applicants interested in the Spring 2024 semester should complete their materials as soon as possible.


Applications for 2024/2025 opened on September 1, 2023 with a January 1, 2024 Summer Art Institute priority date and a February 15, 2024 semester priority date. Students that complete by the priority dates are the most eligible for early acceptance and the largest need and merit-based scholarships. After the priority dates, Oxbow begins rolling admissions and will continue to accept students until all programs are fully enrolled.

Questions? Email us at:

Oxbow welcomes applicants from a wide range of backgrounds. Previous art and studio experience are helpful but not required, as instruction at Oxbow supports emerging talents in a nurturing but rigorous environment. We seek a diverse group of mature, academically sound, naturally curious students with a lively interest in the visual arts. All students are required to live on campus and adhere to the Oxbow community standards. By choosing to attend Oxbow, our students commit to forging mature relationships with peers and faculty.

Oxbow accepts applications for either the Fall or Spring semester of the sophomore, junior or senior year in high school, or for one semester of a Gap Year. Oxbow also offers a spirited and engaging 6-week Summer Art Institute for rising sophomore through gap year students.

Oxbow has rolling admissions and accepts applications all year long. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information at or by call/text at 707.363.0449.

To learn more about Oxbow and be placed on our mailing and e-mail lists, please use our request information form.


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